Miss S, submissive for the gentlemen of LuX

For this back-to-school season, Miss S, a sexy submissive, will be delivered to 5 or 6 gentlemen from LuX so that they can abuse her as they should, with elegance and perversity!
For this occasion she will be delivered to you blindfolded by her man who enjoys watching her thus assaulted.
She won't be here for tea! She expects virility, crude words, domination, spankings, but neither brutality nor anal.
Gentlemen, it's up to you to show him that at LuX the Vicious and Elegant Gentlemen know how to delicately use and abuse a pretty submissive...

Desired criteria for this event:
Origin: Caucasian
Age: 30/50y
Look: Not paunchy and elegant
Hair: Non-existent or very well maintained
Health: HIV & STD tests less than 2 months old (contact us to obtain a prescription if you do not wish to ask your family doctor…)

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Commentez, soyez Trash, Hard, Cochon, Pervers, mais toujours courtois !
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