Fuck me before I Buzz you! #2

Welcome to the second edition of “Fuck me before I Buzz you!” » the totally crazy event where women have the power.
Around ten Shameless Princesses will be staged in a unique location and offered to men who will have a single attempt to take advantage of them.
Gentlemen Pervers, upon arrival, will be given 10 penetration tickets.
Use them as you see fit but be up to the task otherwise they will buzz you and it will be the next guy's turn!
Gentlemen, you won't get a second chance to make a good first impression!
Just one piece of advice: leave your ego aside for this game which promises a decadent and fun moment as we like them at LuX!

Desired criteria for this event:
Age: 50y max
Look: Elegant and not paunchy
Hair: Non-existent or very controlled
Health: HIV & STD tests less than 3 months old

LuX is a non-profit association. The income is used entirely for the operation of the place.

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Commentez, soyez Trash, Hard, Cochon, Pervers, mais toujours courtois !
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